Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shark Tank Episode 405

PITCH: Cozy Bug 
ABC Recap
The idea of clothes that grow with your child seems like a decent one.  I remember as a child growing out of things all the time.  Also my son has very quickly moved from Newborn sizes into 0-3 Months sizes.  The one issue for me personally is I don't have any daughters so not a lot of demand for dresses around here.

Bottom line: I don't have any daughters so no demand for this product here.  

PITCH: Wired Waffles
ABC Recap 
I actually just recently started drinking coffee to get my caffeine instead of just drinking tea.  I haven't really jumped on the more alternative methods of getting caffeine.  My doctor would actually prefer I limit my caffeine some anyway so for me this product isn't a great fit.

Bottom line: Not supposed to consume more then 1 cup of coffee worth of caffeine.   

PITCH: The Spatty
ABC Recap  
I like the idea of a product that helps with not wasting things but I'm not convinced that I would have the patience for a product like this.  Being a man I couldn't use this product to get extra makeup out but I think it could come in handy.  But I think my bottom line is I have enough stuff to catch up on that I wouldn't waste time trying to save a few pennies using this product.

Bottom line: I don't wear makeup and am not sure I could really save enough money with this to try it. 

PITCH: Marz Sprays
ABC Recap  
This was an interesting idea although I don't know to many people who can't swallow pills.  I currently do not take any supplements and don't really intend to start anytime soon.

Bottom line: I'm not interested. 

Of the items presented in this episode I think my level of interest would be the following:
  1. The Spatty (I could potentially use this for something I think)
  2. Cozy Bug (Maybe if I have daughter someday)
  3. Wired Waffles(Maybe if I was ever super tired)
  4. Marz Sprays (I don't see me trying these)
    From this and previous episodes I've blogged about:
    1. Cordaroy's  (Thinking about buying)
    2. How Do You Roll
    3. Liz Lovely Cookies 
    4. FuzziBunz
    5. Posture Now 
    6. Proof Eyewear
    7. Travel HOODIE PILLOW
    8. Smartwheel
    9. Lose 12 Inches with Any 12 Workouts
    10. Baby Loves Disco (Could move up as kids get older) 
    11. CellHelmet
    12. Green Garmento
    13. Pretty Padded Room
    15. Cold Snap
    16. Gotta Have S'More
    17. The Spatty
    18. Rock Bands 
    19. PITCH: Hip Chixs
    20. Cozy Bug
    21. Wired Waffles 
    22. Muddy Water Camo
    23. Addison's Wonderland
    24. Marz Sprays   
    25. GRINDS 
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    Saturday, March 16, 2013

    Shark Tank Episode 403

    PITCH: Liz Lovely Cookies
    ABC Recap 
    These cookies look delicious my wife who has to eat Gluten free is very interesting in trying them.  Using the company's website we found that a local Whole Foods was supposed to have them.  Unfortunately the Whole foods hasn't renewed there order in a awhile so no cookies bummer.

    PITCH:  Rock Bands
    ABC Recap 
    The leather bands that this guy was selling were interesting but I don't have much interest in such a product.  It seemed like the Sharks agreed with me and were more interested in the trademarks then anything.

    PITCH: FuzziBunz
    ABC Recap  
    As a parent who has a child in diapers I see the appeal of not having to buy a fifty dollar box of diaper every couple of weeks.  So far I have lucked out and my babies wonderful Grandparents have kept us well stocked.  Another appealing thing is not filling the landfills more the necessary.  Between diapers and diaper genie bags I really do feel like I am now contributing a lot of waste to my local landfill.  My wife and I are looking into at least giving these a try.      

    PITCH:  Posture Now
    ABC Recap  
    My wife and I took lessons at Arthur Murray leading up to and for quite awhile after our wedding so I can understand any product that would help improve posture.  If my wife and I were still dancing a lot I think we would be really looking into buying one of these.

    Of the items presented in this episode I think my level of interest would be the following:
    1. Liz Lovely Cookies 
    2. FuzziBunz
    3. Posture Now 
    4. Rock Bands
    From this and previous episodes I've blogged about:
    1. Cordaroy's  (Thinking about buying)
    2. How Do You Roll
    3. Liz Lovely Cookies 
    4. FuzziBunz
    5. Posture Now 
    6. Proof Eyewear
    7. Travel HOODIE PILLOW
    8. Smartwheel
    9. Lose 12 Inches with Any 12 Workouts
    10. Baby Loves Disco (Could move up as kids get older) 
    11. CellHelmet
    12. Green Garmento
    13. Pretty Padded Room
    15. Cold Snap
    16. Gotta Have S'More
    17. Rock Bands 
    18. PITCH: Hip Chixs
    19. Muddy Water Camo
    20. Addison's Wonderland  
    21. GRINDS 
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    Shark Tank Episode 417

    PITCH: Baby Loves Disco 
    ABC Recap
    This seemed like a fun product that would be something I would look into if my kids were the correct age to take advantage of such an event.  Currently this isn't a great fit for my family.  I can't remember what they said the price was but I thought it was reasonable.  Can't seem to see prices for events without entering email address.

    PITCH: Lose 12 Inches with Any 12 Workouts 
    ABC Recap 
    This product was interesting I like the idea of the workouts being targeted at certain heart rates and being different for different folks.  Its really hard to judge without giving some of his ideas a try though.

    PITCH: CellHelmet
    ABC Recap  
    I thought that at the very least that this would be a cheaper option then paying my cell phone provider for a similar service.  For me as a non smartphone user I don't think I need this product.  My phone isn't expensive enough to worry about.  I think this service could  be beneficial to other people.

    PITCH: Cordaroy's  
    ABC Recap  
    This is a product that I really like the idea of and actually have a need for.  I currently have an old chair from Pier 1 that is starting to fall apart and we have been looking for a replacement.  These bean bags look like the could fill the void.  They look really comfy and the option to turn it into a bed is appealing as well.  One concern that I have is how hard is it to put the bed back into the bean bag.  If I do end up buying one a followup will be posted.  Anyone own one?

    Of the items presented in this episode I think my level of interest would be the following:
    1. PITCH: Cordaroy's  (Thinking about buying)
    2. PITCH: Lose 12 Inches with Any 12 Workouts 
    3. PITCH: Baby Loves Disco (Could move up as kids get older)
    4. PITCH: CellHelmet
    From this and previous episodes I've blogged about:
    1. Cordaroy's  (Thinking about buying)
    2. How Do You Roll
    3. Proof Eyewear
    4. Travel HOODIE PILLOW
    5. Smartwheel
    6. Lose 12 Inches with Any 12 Workouts
    7. Baby Loves Disco (Could move up as kids get older) 
    8. CellHelmet
    9. Green Garmento
    10. Pretty Padded Room
    12. Cold Snap
    13. Gotta Have S'More
    14. PITCH: Hip Chixs
    15. Muddy Water Camo
    16. Addison's Wonderland  
    17. GRINDS 


    Monday, March 11, 2013

    I love Crocs Review

    Recently I purchased a pair of Crocs from  I will admit I was pretty skeptical that I would like them.  My wife purchased a pair many years ago and I picked on her about it.  Now I am a believer too.  The Crocs are:
    • very comfortable
    • provide a lot of support
    • easy to slide on and off
    Basically if you are on the fence and want a comfortable pair of shoes I highly recommend.  

    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Beware Ibuypower Warranty

    This is a warning to anyone who buys an iBuyPower computer.  It turns out that there warranty is pretty crappy ie if you need to ship the Desktop computer back after the initial 30 days you have to pay for it.  Compared to my experience with Dell this just seems quite terrible.

    I really feel pretty dumb about this as well.  I originally ordered a computer from them in May of 2012 it arrive in June but the hard drives had fallen out during shipping so it didn't work at all.  Sent it back and got it back on around July 10th.  I was pretty excited to actually get to use it which was my big mistake.  Instead of trying to enjoy the computer I should have sent it back to get fixed right away or maybe just got a refund.  When I got it back the second time again the hard drives had fallen out during shipping and one of them doesn't always start when I boot the system.  At first I didn't mind this terribly but after a few months it gets pretty old to have to boo the computer on average probably like five times.

    Shark Tank Episode 420

    PITCH: Nuts 'N More 
    ABC Recap
    Obviously it is a little hard to pass judgement on a product that I was not able to taste.  However if the Shark's reaction is an indication then I would guess that this is a delicious peanut butter and almond butter that is also healthier.  My wife enjoyed that since she doesn't eat peanut butter it was good they had an alternative in Almond butter.  I think this would be something I would consider buying.

    PITCH: PsiBands 
    ABC Recap
    My wife actually gets motion sick at times so at first I was thinking this product sounded pretty good.  In fact my wife actually bought a similar product.  The advantages of PsiBands product over what my wife owns is:
    • they are adjustable
    • won't get water logged
    • come in different colors.
    Listening to the women talk about how she thinks her product can cure cancer without really having any proof makes me think that her company isn't ideal to do business with.  So basically somewhat interesting product but sketch company.
    PITCH: Neo Innovations 
    ABC Recap
    I thought this was the coolest item that was presented on the show tonight.  If I had a tattoo and I wanted it removed I would consider looking into this product.  The biggest downside is of course their lack of information about whether the product is safe. 

    PITCH: Jeska Shoe Company 
    ABC Recap
    The product was interesting I liked the idea of being able to buy one pair of shoes and pretend that it was like two or three.  I was really liking the idea and I think my wife was as well.  Then I heard that they cost like two hundred dollars and I my interest went away. 

    Of the items presented in this episode I think my level of interest would be the following:
    1. Nuts 'N More  
    2. Neo Innovations (If I had a tattoo it would be a lot more likely)
    3. Jeska Shoe Company (Cool idea but pricey)
    4. PsiBands

    What do you think do you agree or disagree?

    From this and previous episodes episode 415 and 418.
    1. How Do You Roll
    2. Proof Eyewear
    3. Travel HOODIE PILLOW
    4. Smartwheel
    5. Nuts 'N More  
    6. Green Garmento
    7. Pretty Padded Room
    8. Neo Innovations (If I had a tattoo it would be a lot more likely) 
    9. Jeska Shoe Company (Cool idea but pricey)
    11. Cold Snap
    12. Gotta Have S'More
    13. PITCH: Hip Chixs
    14. Muddy Water Camo
    15. Addison's Wonderland
    16. PsiBands   
    17. GRINDS  
    What are your rankings?
     I can't wait for next episode of Shark Tank!