Today I decided that we would try the Norristown farm park. The farm park is located just off Germantown Pike in East Norriton township you can see the new Einstein hospital from most of the park.
We entered the park using the entrance from Germantown pike and then parked by the Getty
Cotage (Which I spelled wrong based on the map?).
It may have been better to drive a little further and hit the main parking lot but it worked fine. After we arrived I quickly unloaded the bike while my son waiting in the car. Put both our helmets on and away we went. The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot of people walking on park trail. I realized that this was probably do to the fact that there was a Lymphoma walk event at the park today. I suspect next time it will be a little less crowded. As it stands it was maybe a little hard to maneuver around all the walkers by the main entrance otherwise it was pretty clean sailing.
I think we ended up riding about five miles with a quick detor to the Trout pens were we saw the last group or Trout that will be restocked probably on Monday. The volunteer who showed my son and I the fish pen mentioned that on August 5th 2015 (have to check date) is when they should be getting there new batch of minnows which is apparently an event that the public is encourage to attend.
Overall my son and I had a good time and will probably go again.
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